Tools You Must Know to Be a Devops Engineer

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David Dennis

DevOps Tools Every Engineer Should Know

DevOps is a software development practice that keeps evolving.
Organizations are moving from the traditional evolution practices (Waterfall model) to a more than agile, constructive, and adaptive software development approach (Agile Development).
DevOps was born out of the need to unify Software evolution and It Operations, remove silos between teams, increase software commitment velocity, and improve products at a faster step.

DevOps share the agile principle of People-Procedure-Tools. Though the People-Process-Tools is mentioned in guild of priority, none is greater than the other. You need people to commit to a procedure by using effective tools that deliver working software frequently.

In this article, our focus will exist on the tools that assistance automate the devops processes allowing engineers to pattern, build, test, deploy, manage, and operate applications and systems faster and reliably. Nosotros will be looking at a few tools that tin get you started as a DevOps engineer, though the listing is endless and can be specific to an organisation.


Git is a distributed version command tool, a much-needed tool in a successful CI/CD workflow. With git, developers accept a local re-create of the source code which is a complete copy of the central repository. Developers can commit each set of changes on their development machine and perform version control operations such as history and compare without a network connectedness. The development team save their lawmaking, rails changes, and integrate code changes/updates to a unmarried location. The evolution team is able to develop, interact faster, and perform quick deployment. You can go started with a few Git command, a GitHub repository, and the CLI tool.


Jenkins is an open-source automation server that enables developers around the earth to reliably build, test, and deploy their software. Jenkins is a standard open-source software for automating continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) in DevOps. Developers can use Jenkins to automate the build, exam, and source code integration continuously. Jenkins takes source code through a pipeline from source code cosmos all to production deployment.
With thousands of plugins, Jenkins is highly extensible and integrates with every tool in a CI/CD toolchain. Jenkins can be hands installed, has a simple GUI to configure and setup your projects.
Jenkins can connect to your GitHub, Bitbucket, or any other code hosting platform to detect code changes. Run automatic builds with Gradle, run tests, and deploy a containerized application using Docker to Kubernetes cluster. Jenkins is a versatile tool and its use is limitless and tin be extended based on your project demand.


Docker is a software tool that provides Operating Organization(OS) level virtualization in contrast to Virtual machines. It is the world's leading containerization software platform, a reason you have to learn information technology. Docker provides containers allowing you to package up your code and all its dependencies into a single unit of measurement/application, so the application runs quickly and reliably from one calculating environment to another. The container technology assistance eliminates "Dependency Hell" and "Ecology Hell" issues since containers are isolated environments and can run regardless of the infrastructure or environment. Hence, Docker provides a consistent environment throughout the delivery pipeline and is a more agile approach to software development and deployment. Yous can build your application or environment into Docker images, push them to your Container Registry or DockerHub, share them with your development team, and anyone tin pull the paradigm and run it as a container on their machine seamlessly.


Kubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration software tool, birthed out of the need to automate the deployment, management, maintenance, and scaling of a containerized application.
We want to run the software, update information technology and mayhap roll it back in case of whatever code breakages but all this should be done in an automatic fashion, so Google developed a standard that metamorphosed into what Kubernetes is today. Kubernetes is at present maintained past Cloud Native Computing. Kubernetes has get a standard tool to deploy containerized applications in a product surroundings. It offers powerful features similar self-healing, managing container state and automatically correcting faulty containers, thus, helping us to reach stable and reliable systems. Organizations that embrace the DevOps approach build Deject reliant systems on Kubernetes. Kubernetes is a much-needed tool and the probability is quite high that you volition need information technology in the toolchain when building cloud-native applications.


Ansible is an open-source software provisioning, configuration management, application deployment tool enabling Infrastructure as Code, IaC, a exercise of automating the provisioning of infrastructure through the same versioning as the DevOps team uses for source code. The Infrastructure every bit Code is a representation of your Infrastructure in a particular state, allowing you to provision and de-provision infrastructure resource in a reliable fashion. Ansible uses IaC, Ansible playbooks, a YAML file; which is a pace by step pedagogy on how to provision and configure the infrastructure your application is to run on. This is very helpful when you lot are considering moving your application from the development stage to the testing and production stage only demand to replicate hundreds of infrastructure resources, say VMs, with typical environments, to adjust the load. Ansible is an agentless automation tool with less learning curve, piece of cake to install, and get up running to handle your configuration management jobs, and automate repeatable tasks using playbooks. Ansible has go more than popular than its counterpart; Boob and Chef. Ansible uses SSH by default to connect, communicate, and operate on an inventory list of servers, simplifying strenuous repeatable tasks that would have taken a long time to finish.

Prometheus and Grafana:

We have looked at tools that tin help united states of america automate our repeatable job from versioning and managing our lawmaking, deploying applications, and provisioning and maintaining the infrastructure on which our awarding runs. Information technology is very of import that we monitor the performance of our applications and infrastructure so nosotros continuously deliver value to our customers. Nosotros need tools to monitor the health of our systems and give feedback. DevOps team act on the information generated in order to mitigate whatsoever possible issues that may hinder service delivery to the users. This is where Prometheus and Grafana come in.
Prometheus and Grafana are monitoring stacks used by DevOps teams for storing and visualizing time series data. Prometheus acts as the storage backend, collecting metrics from monitored targets while Grafana is the visualization layer for the analysis of the monitoring information received. This allows the DevOps team to have a total view of how their applications, processes, and tools are performing and have the opportunity to measure how much value is delivered to the users.


As a DevOps engineer, theoretical knowledge is not enough, one must have the knowledge of practicing DevOps and know the various DevOps tool needed to perform tasks in everyday DevOps setting.
The tools mentioned above are in no particular order and in no favor of whatsoever organization.
The listing of DevOps tools is countless and organizations practicing DevOps are very specific to the tools they use equally determined by the projection needs.

Please let me know what your opinions 🤔 are on this topic.
You tin can as well share in the comment which tools your organization use and what requirements guided the determination to choose those tools.

Thanks for reading!!! 🙏


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